Financial Planning for first-generation individuals and families.


Who we serve

"Primeros" is Spanish for "First." We assist all Primeros who are ready to take control of their finances but need guidance, with a specialization in these areas:

  • First-gen wealth builders

  • Passionate professionals

  • Entrepreneurs

What We Offer

Finances can be challenging to navigate. That's why we adopt a people-centered approach, fostering a nonjudgmental atmosphere while helping clients align their values with their financial decisions. Talking about finances doesn’t have to be boring; we make it upbeat and enjoyable!

Below are some examples of reasons why clients decided to partner with us:

caring for parents

Generational Care

I’m caring for my parents and my children; how do I find balance while also prioritizing other goals.

equity compensation

Equity Compensation

I work in tech and receive RSUs. We had a large tax bill last year and want to ensure we are better prepared.

Student loans

Student Loans

My student loans keep me up at night and are diverting from what I truly want to save for.

financial planning

Thinking Partner

I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing when making decisions.

first-time home buyer

Buying a Home

We’d like to buy a home but it seems out of reach. What can we afford and how should we save for this?

first-time investor


I know that I need to invest for my future but have no understanding of how this works.

Financial Planner

Uziel Gomez, CFP®, AFC®

Primeros Financial

Primeros is a virtual fee-only financial planning firm. We prioritize our clients’ interest above all else, guided not only being a Fiduciary but also by our commitment to doing what’s right.

Founded by Uziel, a Primero who is the first in his family to graduate college and break barriers, our mission is to make real financial planning accessible to Primeros who are typically underserved.

As seen in:

Let’s Chat!

There is no cost for the first meeting. Let’s have a conversation to see if we’re a good match!