Firm Values: Integrity, Balance, Empower


At Primeros Financial, integrity is our cornerstone. We prioritize our clients' interests above all else because it's not just about doing what's required, it's about doing what's right.


We don't just focus on setting up a plan that prioritizes your future self alone. Instead, we aim to help you strike a balance between saving for the future and enjoying your life today.


Our objective is to instill a sense of empowerment. We strive to provide comprehensive support and education that equips each individual with the knowledge and confidence to navigate their financial journey.

Primeros Financial’s Mission

Primeros’ mission is to empower first-generation wealth builders by guiding them through their financial journeys and enabling them to learn how to utilize their money as a resource to live a fulfilling life.

Meet Uziel Gomez, CFP®, AFC®

Founder of Primeros Financial

Latino Financial Planner

Being a first-generation American means that you’re likely the first in your family to build wealth, the first to graduate college, and the first to break barriers. I pursued higher education because I understood it was the route to helping my family overcome poverty. However, during college, I felt lost without proper guidance or a clear career passion.

Out of necessity, I had to educate myself on how the credit system works. Again, I had little to no guidance. This journey led me to delve deeply into various financial subjects, which led to my fascination with finance.

Through this journey, I've come to understand that being a Primero often means forging ahead without a clear path, without someone to show you the way. But it also means actively seeking out others who are blazing similar trails.

As a financial planner, I see myself as more than just a planner; I’m a guide for those navigating their own financial journeys. I help others establish a deeper connection with their finances, showing them how to harness the power of money to create a life of abundance and fulfillment.

My Money Story

Fee-only Financial Advisor

Your earliest memory of money can have a profound impact on your financial attitudes and behaviors. Growing in a low-income household, I witnessed a lot of our hardships and struggles. My first money memory was watching my mom count the money for rent, offering silent thanks that we had enough set aside. This moment instilled in me the importance of an emergency fund and prudent spending habits. While my parents managed their finances well, they lacked resources and guidance beyond basic budgeting.

Immediately after graduating college, I started my first professional job. Upon stepping into the professional realm, I was met with a substantial salary bump. I struggled with the way I viewed money. I was earning income that neither my parents or siblings had ever earned. I grappled with conflicting impulses: part of me yearned to splurge money, as if to compensate for unfulfilled childhood desires. The other wanted to hoard every cent, because when you’ve been on survival mode your entire life, you’re just waiting for something to happen. I also felt a weight of obligation to my family, which made me hesitant to spend on myself. Initially, I hoarded my earnings, reluctant to allocate them towards anything other than basic necessities. I then reassessed my spending plan to see how it reflected my values. I approached everything with a sense of balance that honored my values; supporting my family, spending on the things that I value, and saving for my future self.

Drawing from my personal journey, I embarked on a career in finance with a mission to make financial planning more accessible to people that are typically underserved. I aim to reach those who, like me, are navigating the complex dynamics of the sandwich generation—supporting both preceding and succeeding generations while striving for their own financial stability.


Bachelor of Science degree in Financial Planning from Cal State Northridge


Accredited Financial Counselor

Financial Advisor Magazine - 10 Young Advisors to Watch in 2024


The Fun Stuff

  • My great-great-grandfather was a Colonel in the Mexican Revolution. He fought in the same platoon as General Emiliano Zapata. Here I am visiting his grave in Oacalco, Morelos.

  • The first time I traveled outside the US was to visit my parents' hometown, a small pueblo called Oacalco in the state of Morelos. While I was there, I also explored the nearby pueblo mágico of Tepoztlán. If you look closely, you can spot an Aztec temple perched atop the mountain.

  • When I'm not talking, breathing or researching finance, I'm at the boxing gym learning the sweet science.

  • I love vacationing and seeking out adrenaline-pumping activities. This photo was taken at Xplor in Playa Del Carmen in 2023.

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